When Should You Check Your Tyre Pressure

Tyres are the only part of your vehicle that make contact with the road surface at all times. Therefore, it’s vital that they are in optimal condition. Ensure that you carry out basic checks regularly to review the health of your tyres. So when should you check your tyre pressure?
Take bicycle riders for example. All cyclists will know that if you try to ride a bike with underinflated tyres, they’ll require much more effort and find it strenuous. They would, therefore, have to expend much more energy. In the same way, you would waste fuel and create an additional amount of CO2 emissions. This is simply because you’ve failed to inflate your tyres correctly.
When Tyres Are Cold
The tyre pressure within the vehicle manufacturers guide is given for cold tyres. So the ‘cold’ tyres basically mean the car should not have been driven for a few hours. This is to ensure that you have the correct tyre pressure after inflating them.
Before and After Long Drives
It is vital that you check your tyres before and after long distances. This is because the pressure of long driving can fluctuate. Always ensure that your tyres are inflated according to the manufacturer’s specifications. This will allow your tyres to perform optimally.